GO Documentation: Backops


The GO Generic Onboarding facilitate banking institutions to onboard their customer. Our Generic Onboarding is a platform that focuses on developing digital onboarding flows that are completely customizable as per the customer’s need.

The standout feature of GO is that each onboarding flow can be designed as per user requirements with minimum effort. The production Backops helps the client manage merchants, and users and handle applications along with their various states.

Select Grants: ADMIN

You have to select the grants for your portal. A backops user is a person who is assigned to do some specific tasks based on their hierarchy(or not). The grants decide the tasks that come under the purview of any backops user. These are the sections your portal will contain. 

Generic Onboarding currently provides the following grants:

  1. Data and Documents – Displays all the Data and Documents submitted by the applicant.
  2. Due Diligence – Displays Applicant Background check results such as AML, Geo-tagging, Browser Data,etc
  3. Forensics – Displays results from Face match and Video Verification.
  4. Form Data – Displays the Data collected from the Manual Entry forms.
  5. Contract – Displays the Applicants generated Contract.
  6. Additional checks – Displays any additional data that might have been included in the Onboarding flow



Gives a holistic view of all the applications that are received through the connect onboarding. These are managed by users having different roles that hold various grants used to makeΒ 

The dashboard section in the left sidebar contains the overall statistics for the applications and their various states.

From and , start and end dates can be selected to view the statistics of applications submitted for that date range.
is the section that lists the stats for the applications (M to R).

The logo is customised and related to the organisation holding the backops. This can be configured in the ADMIN and while initiating the backops to clients.

The Applications section categorises the submitted applications according to status: Onboardings, Accepted, Accepted, Rejected, Sent to drafts, and Pending.

The graph is shown, for all the application states for the specified.

The visible stats can be downloaded for local storage.


γ€€βš™οΈγ€€β†’ Create merchant


Merchants are the front-end users who will be doing onboarding. A merchant is created first, which generates links catered to that specific merchant.Β  A backops user (with appropriate grant) can create a merchant account and send the details with generated links to them so they can complete their onboarding journey.

Settings has its own section in the left sidebar . All other options under settings are placed in different tabs . The list of options is listed under Applications

This page allows the backops user to create a merchant who will be dedicated to a selected flow.

Creating a merchant requires basic details. Make sure to have these correct, as they will be used for password recoveries. A login URL will be generated once the merchant is created

γ€€βš™οΈγ€€β†’ Manage users


Backops allow users to manage the users of it. For a client organization, there can be multiple designations and levels on which different users operate. This can be done through assigning designations and levels. Each one of them can be given grants, that act as permissions to take certain actions on the applications that the backops portal receives. The organization’s internal hierarchy can also be created. 

The list of users with their name and designations. They can have varying levels and permissions. (For example here makers go through applications and escalate them. Checkers take final calls on whether the application should be rejected or accepted.)
User details can be edited and they can be deleted from the control given inside the table.

New users can be created from here. Creating a new user will require the following fields to be filled:

User nameNameEmailEmployee codeMobileBranchDesignationIf the user is going to manage the backopsThe associated managerList of flows the user would be responsible forAssigned bucketTo activate the user or not.

After clicking on reassign application, this user can reassign the application at hand to any other user in backups this other user can be of any other level if they have appropriate grants. There is also a feature to filter out the list of applications that need to be reassigned by the application status

will allow to reassign applications on bulk where will lead to a pop-up which has options to reassign to any other backops user

After clicking on reassign applications they will be a pop-up which list all other users of the backops to which the current application can be reassigned to. 
Note: Multiple users can be assigned a single application at once

γ€€βš™οΈγ€€β†’ Manage roles


Different backops of users may have different rules assigned to them. These rules may depend on the kind of organisation and on the level of hierarchy that they are on. Rules can be named according to the internal designation or as per convenience. These rules can have a title, a level, and a set of grants that the backops user has access to. These grants allow the user to take actions on applications based on the level or their designation in the organisation. Additionally, a manager ki feel is also there which helps in the escalations of the applications.

The roles have grants that allow each user’s role to take actions. These are:

  1. Show Accept/Reject button
    This allows for accepting and rejecting the application.
  2. Show Draft button
    The list of applications with status as drafts can be accessed with this.
  3. Show Send to Manager button
    Send application to manager as escalation.
  4. Create Merchants
    This allows users to create merchant accounts in the portal.
  5. Create Backops users
    One backops user can create another backops user.
  6. Manage / edit other backops users
    Making edits the current backops users.
  7. Manage / create Designations
    Designation within an organisation could be created and edited.
  1. Reassign Applications
    Reassignment of applications is done when a particular application is transferred to some other user to take an action on.
  1. Deactivate the backops user by default
    While creating a bank ops user make the account deactivated by default so that it needs explicit activation for further actions.
  1. Can activate other backops users
    Ability to activate other bank operations users.
  2. View only user list
    This grant is only for giving the list of users
  3. View / edit Callback Configuration
    Create and edit call back application
  4. View / edit Mail Configuration
    All the email interactions can be configured to track with the end user various email configurations such as email IDs, subjects templates can be viewed and edited by this grant.
  1. Make changes to Accepted/Rejected Applications (Not under Hierarchy)
    Make status changes of applications without hierarchy
  2. Make changes to Accepted/Rejected Applications of Lower Hierarchy
    Make status changes of applications at lower levels.
  3. Show all Applications
    Viewing all applications.
  4. Download MIS report
    Downloading MIS reports.

Apart from grants, levels define the hierarchy of users. There are numeric representations of what level a user operates on (example 1,2,3 and so on…).

Share you can see the list of back-ops users that have been created within the organisation. The options supported on the page are edit, delete or create a new user.
While editing any user, the complainant fields of that user should be carefully filled.

While creating new user the company and feels are to be filled. Levels are to be specified according to the hierarchy of the user as well as the designation. Grants can be marked as per need.

The list of roles mentioned before can be assigned from this section.
Similar to editing a user, a new user can be created with the same fields and grants (explained above.)

γ€€βš™οΈγ€€β†’ Mail configuration


All the email interactions can be configured to track with the end user various email configurations such as email IDs, subjects templates can be viewed and edited by this tab. Inside mail configuration tabs there are two parts.

The two parts within mail configuration are:

  1. Brand identity configuration
    Corporate brand identity that goes inside any email correspondence can be configured here. Here, options to upload a company logo and set a primary branding colour are given.
  2. Email templates configuration
    There are email templates that can be configured. In total 4 properties are configured:
    1. The four properties
      1. Toggle for weather mail is required or not
      2. Configure SMTP (option to use Signzy’s SMTP or opt for a customised one)
      3. Email information (Email ID and Email subject)
      4. Customise template (Change the look of email by editing parts of it.)
    2. The four properties mentioned above can be tweaked for the following use cases:
      1. Before onbaording
        1. Create merchant
        2. OTP verification
      2. During onboarding
        1. Submerchant mail
      3. VCIP
        1. Call schedule
        2. Call drop
      4. After onboarding
        1. Accepted
        2. Rejected
        3. Drafts/ Redo
        4. Successful submission

Change or upload the company logo for emails.

Select the primary branding colour of the company.

Click to open email template configurations.

Email configuration sections with all supported use cases

One example use cases for creating merchants. Supported configurations are mail required, configure SMTP, email information, customise templates.

Email information such ID and subject can be edited

Templates can be edited from here

Once the template customisation window opens up, there are edit icons highlighted which can be used to make changes in the email template.

γ€€βš™οΈγ€€β†’ Application callback


The callback URLs are the URLs where the whole application data can be received in JSON format. For example, Application Callback URL will receive details of the onboarding user’s front end journey in JSON format as soon as s/he completes the front end journey and reaches the “thank you” page.

Similarly, the Accepted/Reject/Draft Callback URL will receive the JSON data when the particular application is accepted/rejected/drafted from the backops.

γ€€βš™οΈγ€€β†’ Page callback


When, for a merchant, only a specific part of any application needs to be shown, a callback URL is set up for it. For example, if a merchant’s application is all correct except for the PAN as their date of birth proof, then a callback URL for only PAN card can be set to allow them to upload just the PAN. If the callback URLs are used by merchants the entire application will been updated accordingly.

On any of the flow, edit button will lead the page callback URL configuration page.

Clicking on the edit button, would allow setting of callback URLs.

γ€€βš™οΈγ€€β†’ Manage passwords


The manage passwords section helps you change the password.




View-all-application lists all the applications submitted. This can be further filtered and can be viewed by categories / buckets of:


The user interface is explained below:

List of applications can be searched for by name, application, merchant ID, or email.Sorting options by date.List of of all the applications submitted. There are other sections which list applications by their status too, as shown by

View application to see its contents.

The color of the right border indicates the status of the application.

The contents of the applications are presented within tabs. These tabs are grants, page types, and configurations done in the ADMIN. The usual list of tabs is:

  • All applications
  • Data & Documents
  • Due diligence
  • Forensics
  • Form data
  • Additional checks
  • Summary
  • Cross verification
  • Contract
  • Internal notes
  • Logs

γ€€πŸ“„γ€€β†’ Data and Documents


View-all-application lists all the applications submitted. Data and documents tab lists all the screen names configured in the admin. They are part of the flow and the information submitted by the user. The structure of the information submitted would be as follows:

  • Screen name:
    • List of fields/ labels for that screen document
    • Values of those fields
    • Whether text match was successful or not
    • Whether verification was successful or not
    • A preview (zoomable) of the uploaded document. 

The information is displayed in the above manner. Two controls are given:

  • To rotate the document preview for better visibility.
  • To take notes for a particular screen.

The screens and checks are configured in ADMIN.

The sections represent individual screen names.Check marks will be shown to show if the verifications are successful or not.
The two kind of verifications:
Text match: Checks whether the text matches with the document provided.

Verification: Checks if the provided document matches with official database

γ€€πŸ“„γ€€β†’ Due diligence


The background check such as Anti money laundering would be shown in this section. The fields are AML check and APp data for device references. It is simply shown in a table.

γ€€πŸ“„γ€€β†’ Forensics


Any forensic information goes here which incorporates any image analysis required.

γ€€πŸ“„γ€€β†’ Form data


Any form data configured in the ADMIN will contain all the elements and inputs are listed in a tabular manner in this section. Any checks configured with any of the labels in the forms would also be shown by a check mark.

γ€€πŸ“„γ€€β†’ Additional Checks


Any additional checks configured would be listed under this section.

γ€€πŸ“„γ€€β†’ Summary


The summary screen summarises the rules, through rule and engine what pathway was taken during the application submission. In one screen one, the conditions and what screen is used after fulfillment of that condition is also mentioned.

γ€€πŸ“„γ€€β†’ Cross verification


Sometimes it is needed to have comparisons between two documents. This section allows that. There are two columns, that show two dropdowns to be used to pick two documents for comparison. Both documents will be displayed side-by-side for easier comparison.

γ€€πŸ“„γ€€β†’ Contract


Finally, the contract is made ready with all the relevant information that can be viewed by the backops user. At the end, the submitted documents and proofs are appended to compile everything into a single PDF. At the very end there are three buttons:


These actions can be taken from here and the application will be put into that bucket. The final actions are taken in this section.

γ€€πŸ“„γ€€β†’ Internal notes


Internal notes are used to jot down any comments. These can be used to comment and point out any peculiarities or discrepancies for the application supervisor. All the notes taken anywhere in the backops portal would be lister in this section.

γ€€πŸ“„γ€€β†’ Logs


The changes for a particular application is listed under logs along with a timestamp. This helps tracking changes for the application. RM details  are also shown in this section for reference.


βœ‹γ€€Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: What all can be configured with Backops?
    A: The table of content lists the components that can be configured. These are:
    • Merchant management
    • Role management
    • Mail configurations
    • Page callbacks
    • Password management
    • Application status management
  • Q: How does one configure the application or flow?
    A: The ADMIN takes care of the flow creation and management
  • How is the hierarchy of backops users created?
  • Where is the option to give special grants/rights to backops users?
  • Where can I see what action was taken last on an application?
  • How can I check whether an application was Safe/Unsafe/Risky?
  • How can backops users be activated or deactivated?
  • How can the details of a backops user be updated?
  • Is there an option to change/reset the password?
  • What is the use of the escalated bucket?
  • How can the application data be sent to another source?
  • What are the parameters to download the MIS report?
  • What are the different statuses of an application?
  • Is the application ID present when an application is created and where can someone find it?

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