The Backops Admin Portal allows Customer(AMC) to manage and view the applications which are submitted, the status of the applications, what is the progress, how many applications are being submitted and other important reports. In order to Securely login on the Backops Portal use the Customer Login Credentials.

Functionalities/Features available on Backops:

  1. View Applications: You can view applications based on the current status of them after submission by the applicant. The application status has been categorized in 4 statuses: Pending, Accepted, Rejected, Redo(Draft). The application under “Pending” status reflects that it has been submitted by the applicant and is pending to be reviewed by the Backops user. 

 The applications under “Accepted” status reflects that it has been reviewed by the Backops User and has been accepted to be pushed/inserted to KRA for KYC registration.The applications under “”Rejected” status reflects that it has been reviewed by the Backops User and has been rejected due to incomplete/incorrect data filled by the applicant. The applications in “Redo” status indicates that the Backops user will allow the applicant to Resubmit the application if there is scope of correction in the application submitted by the applicant. All the applications combined of the various status can be Viewed under “All”. The numbers mentioned across these Status are the number of applications for each status. 

  1. Filter By : This Filter by feature will allow the Admin to filter the applications submitted based on the Distributors and AMC. The Admin chooses any Distributor’s name(s) and the applications submitted under those Distributors will be displayed. If the Admin chooses AMC then applications submitted under the AMC will be Displayed.
  1.  Sort By: The Sort by Feature allows the Admin to sort the applications by date(new to old) i.e.,  newest applications will be displayed on the top and similarly sort applications by date(old to new) i.e., oldest applications will be displayed on the top.
  1. Search : The search functionality will allow you to search an application by Name and UIDs like PAN, Merchant Id. You can also choose the status for which you are searching the application for.
  1. View Details : This functionality is available on the summary page of the application and it is applicable for each application in order to view the details provided by the applicant. You can also view the distributor name under which the application has been submitted and also view the Backops user assigned to review the application. The 

creation and Submission Date along with time is also available. Upon clicking the “View details” you can view the details of the application which has 7 sections.

  •  Data and  Document : This section provides the document uploaded for each step POI, POA, CPOA, Signature and Photo. For Proof of Identity(POI), Proof of Address(POA) and Correspondence Proof of Address(CPOA) it displays the data from the documents like Name, UID, address, date of birth, date of issual, date of expiry etc. It gives the verification result as well as the text match result(Match, Partial Match, No match) by comparing the date filled and data on the document uploaded. DigiEye Score is also displayed for these sections. We have also given zoom and rotate functionality inorder to zoom in, zoom out and rotate the document.
  • Cross Verification: This section will allow us to compare data from 2 different documents and give the match result(Match, Partial Match, No match). The name match result and Date of Birth result from POI and POA. You can also upload 2 different documents and compare them.
  • Due Diligence: The Due Diligence section provides data by performing various checks like AML check, Sanctioned Check, Digital check. It also provides the information based on the Social Media handle(if provided by the applicant), the GEO location of the applicant and the browser data of the applicant performing the KYC.
  • Forensics : The Forensics section displays the POI Image and Video recorded by the applicant, The backops Admin can play the video and match the face from the POI image to ensure the investor themselves perform the Video Verification. The Forensics analysis based on the face match and audio match is displayed in this section like Face match score, Audio Match score, Pre recorded risk, Static Risk, Coefficient of Verification.
  • Forms : The Forms section displays the data filled by the applicant in the KYC data step which includes applicant’s information like Gender, Place of Birth, Annual Income, Occupation, Father’s/Spouse name etc. It also includes the FATCA information provided by the applicant.
  • Contract : The Contract section will display the digitally Signed Contract PDF generated from the application submitted by the applicant. The Contract can be signed in two methods, normal Esign and Aadhar Esign.
  • Application Accept/Reject/Move to drafts : Backops user can take a decision based on the data verified by him to either accept/reject/move the application to drafts.Backops user can select from the list of pre defined reasons for the application or write his own reason for the same and take action on the application. At the bottom of the Contract section the Admin can see three buttons which are Accept, Reject, Move to Redo inorder to take an action on the application.
  • Internal Notes : In this section you can view the notes added by the Backops admin/user. It will also Display the Rejection reasons for the rejected application and Redo reason for applications moved to Redo along with the name of the Backops user who created the note and date of creation. Add new note button is provided to add additional notes.
  1. Dashboard : This feature on the Backops will allow the Admin to have an overview of the total number Onboardings based on month, week or day. You can also generate an Onboarding Report by choosing Days, Week, Month, Custom dates. The total verified Onboarding percentage will also be available.
  1. Settings : The settings feature will allow you to access various other functionalities like Create Investor, Create Backops Admin, Manage Backops user, Distributor Settings, MIS Report, Edit, Integration.
  • Create Investor: This functionality will allow you to create a new investor object for which you can perform the Onboarding journey on Signzy’s frontend platform. The four parameters required to Create Investor are Name of the investor, Username(create a unique and lowercase string), Email of the investor, Mobile Number of the investor. Once you click on the Create button you will be able to see the username and password to login on the onboarding application along with the four Login URLs : Web Login URL, WebAuto Login URL, Mobile Login URL, MobileAuto Login URL. Upon click on these links you can start the KYC journey on Signzy’s Platform.
  • Create Backops Admin : This section will display the Current Backops Admin’s settings like Username, Password, Email, Name, Employee Code, Branch, Designation, Edit access(Yes/No), Backops Manager(Yes/No) and create the Admin.
  • Manage Backops Users: This Section will display the list of all the Backops Users created along with their details like Name, Username, Email, Employee Code, Current Pending applications(numbers). The option to Reassign applications will display the list of  pending applications under the Backops User and will allow the Admin to Select all the applications or Select specific applications and reassign them to another Backops user from the list. The Admin can also Edit the Backops User details with Edit option.
  • Distributor Settings: This section allows the Admin to Create a KYC Flow for each Distributor. Create New Flow option allows the Admin to Name the flow and choose the Grants.The Admin can choose the Sections required for the KYC flow, Documents for POI, Documents for POA, Documents for CPOA,Signature Creation Methods, Skip functionality, Enable/Disable Captcha, Aadhar Field, Bank Address, Annual Income, Place of Birth and Save this setting. The list of all Distributors, Total no of applications, Date of Enrollment and their respective flow for KYC can be chosen will be displayed. The Search field is to look for a particular Distributor.
  • MIS Reports: The MIS Reports can be Downloaded from this Section by selecting Daily Report, Weekly Report, Monthly Report, Custom From and To Date. These Reports will give overall information for each KYC application like Date of Creation and Submission, Merchant id, PAN, Address, Name, Email, Status, Auto Login URL, Draft and Rejection Reason and Distributor’s name under which the applicant was Onboarded.
  • Edit: The Edit feature enables the Admin to Edit the grants provided to the AMC. The Classification Criteria for Safe, Uncertain,Risky is based on the selection of classification criteria (Pending/Accepted/Rejected) the applications will move to the particular tab in backops portal.(Eg. Safe as Accepted- Then all safe applications will be shown in the “Accepted” tab). Application Rejection Section, Application Accepted Section, Move Application to Draft/Redo will allow you to Enable/Disable Mail Trigger to the applicant along with the subject, Message body and the Rejection/Redo Reason. Change Call Back URL to be used once the process is completed by the applicant or the status of the application changes for which data can be posted on the callback url. Page Call Back System will allow you to set CallBack URLs for each step like POI, POA, CPOA, Fatca, Signature etc. 

The Proof of Identity, Proof of Address, Proof of Correspondence Address settings enables you to Choose the Documents proofs(PAN, Voter Id, Passport, Aadhar Card etc) which the investor can upload for each of these steps. Institution Name and Code information to be provided for the KRA service/system. Employee IPV Details of one of the employee from AMC. KRA Integration Configuration information like username and password 

for KRA integration. Auto-push to KRA on Accept Enable this setting in order to push the application to KRA upon being accepted by Backops Admin/User. 

Signzy Signature Consent to display Signzy’s signature Consent checkbox on the Signed Contract PDF. Signature Creation Methods will allow the applicant to Draw Signature, Upload signature, use a Font Based Signature for Signed Contract PDF. SKIP/BACK Button Required to be used to allow an investor to skip everything, no skip, skip with restrictions throughout the KYC journey. Captcha Enable/Disable for captcha verification before the KYC journey starts.  AADHAAR FIELD MANDATORY, BANK ADDRESS, PLACE OF BIRTH, Annual Income (FORM SECTION) to show/hide these fields in the forms section and can be made mandatory/non-mandatory. Investor Dropout Settings to enable a dropout mail trigger to the investor by specifying the dropout time in minutes. Once the application has been submitted by the applicant you can redirect them to your website by specifying the Redirect URL on CHANGE REDIRECT URL. The Logo of your Brand can be uploaded to be displayed on the application during the KYC journey.

  • Integration: In the Integration tab you can view all the applications which are pushed to KRA after being accepted by Backops Admin/User. For each application the merchant id, date it was pushed to KRA, Response, username, and the status(success/failure) will be displayed. The provided filters are Date and status(Success/Failed/All), KRA Name, Application Status(Accepted/Rejected/Pending/Redo). If an application gets a failure response and you wish to Re-push the application to KRA, then select the application(s) and click on Re-run. The Search field is available to search an application by Merchant Id.

Logout : The Backops Admin can Logout from the Backops Portal with the Logout button. Joined the call

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